Freezing fat to lose weight by Coolsculpting
Coolsculpting challenges localized fat from different areas of our body, which improves the appearance of having this type of aesthetic condition; the best thing is that the fat freezing procedure is not invasive, that is, it does not depend on entering the operating room to see excellent results.

It is a treatment that is not invasive at all. What it does is freeze the fat cells, thus helping the body to eliminate them naturally. It is especially indicated for those people who, even taking a healthy diet and exercising, fail to eliminate certain fat deposits. In the case of people who are too thin, it is not advisable because the treatment can be somewhat more painful and in the case of people who are too overweight, it is advisable to first make a diet so that the results are more visible.
The non surgical fat removal treatment consists in the direct application of cold on the area to be treated (abdomen, hips, thighs, back). The specialist measures the patient's accumulation of fat and then prepares the skin. Depending on the area, one size or another of the applicator is chosen, and the treatment is started. The skin looks like it is pinched between two layers that apply cold. The treatment lasts approximately one hour.
After the session the patient can return immediately to their normal life, without it being necessary to apply any type of cream, take any medication or wear any girdle.
What you should know about Coolsculpting
- Something you should know about Coolsculpting is that it is not uncomfortable for the patient. Basically in the process a slight vacuum pressure is generated.
- When starting the non surgical weight loss procedures, the patient feels a cold sensation; however, it disappears in a very short time, which gives better comfort.
- The procedure allows the person to stand or remain seated; everything depends on the area you want to treat (gluteus, jowls, back, arms, abdomen, etc.)
- The estimated time of said procedure is around one hour. Likewise, everything will depend on the area to be treated and the state that presents it.
- What should be clear with Coolsculpting is that this treatment is only to combat and eliminate localized fat, but not to lose weight. Nor should it be confused with liposuction and it does not represent the same as invasive methods.
Does coolsculpting really work?
The benefits you can get after the freezing fat to lose weight, are mainly show off a more stylized figure, in harmony with the rest of your body, in addition, you can forget about any emotional or complex discomfort that has caused localized fat, especially in those areas of the body that less you want it In a few words, Coolsculpting helps to sculpt your body, to finish with those clusters of fat that distort your figure.
• Among the most common side effects is the appearance of a cardinal or tingling in the treated area, but all disappear after a few days.
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