Know about Non Surgical Fat Reduction method

The best benefits with Non Surgical Fat Reduction Near Me are obtained in those people with firm and elastic skin, who have adiposities located in some areas of the body and with a weight close to normal. It is not recommended to perform it in patients who are overweight in excess of 20%. The most successful results are achieved from adiposity well localized, being lesser extent by those inherited characteristics-family have a thickness disproportion of the lower limbs relative to the body and chest height.

woman measuring her waist
Non Surgical Fat Removal Procedures is a very effective technique to provide a new body contour with minimal scars. The results will be prolonged, as long as you maintain a proper diet and exercise periodically. If you gain weight, you will do it in a more homogeneous way.

As in all cases of Non Invasive Fat Reduction Treatments, good results are obtained from a good indication in which false expectations are not created and of course, the use of an excellent surgical technique.

The most appropriate age

No matter how old you are to undergo liposuction surgery. The most important thing is the "age of the skin", which needs to have elasticity to adhere to the body after the fat is extracted.
Otherwise, the skin will be "hanging." There are women who are around 20 years old and have flaccid skin because they got fat and thinned many times. In these cases, the recommended technique is plastic surgery, so that excess skin can be removed Liposuction can be done until age 55, while the person is healthy and not remove excess fat. The appropriate age would be located after 18 years and before 45, for better results.
Postoperative care
  • Perform rest for 24 hours after the operation.
  • Do not shower in the first 24 hours.
  • Wear a special girdle for 1 month.
  • Perform sessions of lymphatic drainage.
  • Take the medication (antibiotic and anti-inflammatory) recommended by the surgeon.
  • Do not take aspirin
Resuming activity

Healing after Non Surgical Fat Reduction Near Me is a gradual process and you will begin to feel better to resume your normal activity a few days after surgery. Your surgeon will probably tell you to walk as soon as possible, but sports activity should be avoided during the first month. The sutures are removed or absorbed within the first ten days.   

You will notice an almost immediate difference in the contour of your body, despite the edema that will gradually be reabsorbed. After three months, the residual edema disappears and the form is final.
You will feel that your clothes are looser; It is the ideal time for you to incorporate a healthy diet and an adequate exercise plan to maintain and improve these advantages.


Coolsculpting Fat Removal will be contraindicated or there will be increased risks in patients:
  • With respiratory or cardiac problems.
  • With excess weight.
  • If the results of the pre-operation studies are not normal.
  • If the patient has had recent surgery in the area to be treated ..
•           If you have poor circulation.


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